Last Updated on November 20, 2022 by admin

In this article, we’ve provided a series of questions for inclusion in a swim training self-evaluation checklist. For swimmers, who want to improve their training performance.
- Further to our recent post on evaluating swimming training performance, we have been asked by several readers to add some further details regarding the areas swimmers should evaluate whilst training.
- In response to these requests, we have provided a series of questions to enable a swimmer to effectively self-evaluate their swim training performance
Related article on evaluating swimming training performance
We have produced a related article on evaluating swimming training performance. You can view it by clicking this link: evaluating swimming training performance
- The benefits of self-evaluating your training performance
- Swim Training self-evaluation questions
- 1: Set swimming goals?
- 2: Set training goals?
- 3: Do you attend every training session you can?
- 4: Attend training with a positive attitude?
- 5: Conduct a proper poolside/deck warm-up before every training session?
- 6: Regularly count your strokes
- 7: Focus on maintaining the correct stroke technique throughout the training session?
- 8: Concentrate at all times while performing swim drills?
- 9: Regularly work on your weaker strokes or drills when given the opportunity
- 10: Regularly perform race starts?
- 11: Regularly perform race-paced turns, regardless of the intensity of the set
- 12: Regularly perform race-paced finishes, regardless of the intensity of the set
- 13: Work on your streamlining on every start, push-off and turn?
- 14: Start each set and repetition at the correct time?
- 15: Hydrate sufficiently during the training session?
- 16: Consistently perform at your best during training
- 17: Ask your coach for feedback?
- 18: Evaluate your swim training performance?
- Takeaways
The benefits of self-evaluating your training performance
How well a swimmer performs in training has a direct correlation to how a swimmer performs in competition.
- Many swimmers spend many hours of hard training in pursuit of their swimming goals, but how many of them know whether they are on track to achieve them?
- Regularly self-evaluating training performances over a period of time can give the swimmer an insight into whether they are on track.
Swim Training self-evaluation questions
Listed below are a series of questions to enable a swimmer to effectively self-evaluate their swim training performance.
Do you……
1: Set swimming goals?
A key part of the training evaluation process is for the swimmer to set swimming goals.
- They enable both the swimmer and the coach to effectively gauge the swimmer’s progress.
Related article on the benefits of setting swimming goals
We have produced a related article on the benefits of setting swimming goals. You can view it by clicking this link: swimming goals
2: Set training goals?
Another key part of the training evaluation process is to set goals for each training session.
- They enable the swimmer to break down their main swimming goals into smaller parts (mini-goals).
Related article on setting mini-swimming goals
We have produced a related article on the benefits of setting mini-swimming goals. You can view it by clicking this link: mini swimming goals
3: Do you attend every training session you can?
Amongst the key requirements for becoming a successful competitive swimmer is to train regularly.
- Monitoring your training attendance can be a self-motivating method of ensuring you don’t have a session off, just because you feel like it.
4: Attend training with a positive attitude?
Developing a positive mindset helps a swimmer to improve their performance and increase their control over their attitude.
- This enables them to be more positive, focused and optimistic.
Related article on developing a positive swimming mindset
We have produced a related article on developing a positive swimming mindset. You can view it by clicking this link: developing a positive swimming mindset
5: Conduct a proper poolside/deck warm-up before every training session?
Swimming warm-ups are of key importance to swimmers because, in order to swim fast, the swimmer’s muscles need to be warmed.
- This increases their flexibility and enhances their range of movement, making them more efficient whilst swimming.
- Swimming with warm and supple muscles also reduces the chance of injury.
Related article on competitive swimming warm-ups
We have produced a related article on competitive swimming warm-ups. You can view it by clicking this link: competitive swimming warm-ups
6: Regularly count your strokes
Stroke count is the number of strokes it takes for a swimmer to complete a given number of lengths/laps.
- Stroke count is largely influenced by a swimmer’s technique.
- The more technically efficient the swimmer, the longer their distance per stroke and therefore, the fewer strokes they will take to complete a length/lap.
- By counting your strokes regularly, you will be able to monitor your stroke’s technical efficiency.
Related articles on stroke count and stroke rate
We have produced related articles, on both how to use stroke count and stroke rate and stroke count and stroke rate drills. You can view them by clicking these links: how to use stroke count and stroke rate | stroke count and stroke rate drills.
7: Focus on maintaining the correct stroke technique throughout the training session?
Swimming training can be grueling. But however hard and intense swimming training becomes, swimmers should always focus on maintaining a correct stroke technique.
- Remember the effectiveness of your swimming technique is one of the most important criteria for determining your swimming success.
8: Concentrate at all times while performing swim drills?
As with focusing on your stroke technique, swimmers need to concentrate and focus when performing swim drills.
- These are the cornerstones for establishing an effective stroke technique.
9: Regularly work on your weaker strokes or drills when given the opportunity
All swimmers have strokes and drills that they are good at, and those that they aren’t so good at.
- Swimmers should take regular opportunities to work on their swimming weaknesses to enable them to become better all-round swimmers.
10: Regularly perform race starts?
Starts are a key part of any competitive race.
- Swimmers should take every opportunity to practice their race starts.
11: Regularly perform race-paced turns, regardless of the intensity of the set
Turns are also a key part of any competitive race.
- Swimmers should also take every opportunity to practice their race turns.
12: Regularly perform race-paced finishes, regardless of the intensity of the set
As with starts and turns, finishes are also a key part of any competitive race.
- Many medals are lost, and personal best times are not achieved, due to poor finishing.
- Swimmers should also take every opportunity to practice their race finishes.
13: Work on your streamlining on every start, push-off and turn?
A key element of an effective start and turn is the swimmer’s ability to streamline effectively.
- Swimmers should take every opportunity to practice their streamlining.
Related article on an introduction to swimming streamlining
We have produced a related article on an introduction to swimming streamlining. You can view it by clicking this link: an introduction to swimming streamlining
14: Start each set and repetition at the correct time?
It’s important that swimmers take their full amount of allotted rest between sets and repetitions.
- This ensures they have an opportunity to partially recover from the rigours of swimming, and to ensure they are training at the correct intensity.
Related article on how to use a swimming pace clock
We have produced a related article on how to use a swimming pace clock. You can view it by clicking this link: how to use a swimming pace clock
15: Hydrate sufficiently during the training session?
When training in the water, swimmers can lose a great deal of their body fluid through physical exertion.
- It’s important that this lost fluid is replaced, as dehydration is one of the most common causes of poor performance.
Related articles on swimming hydration for optimum performance
We have produced related articles, on swimming hydration for optimum performance. You can view it by clicking these links: swimming hydration.
16: Consistently perform at your best during training
Performing consistently at your best during training is the key to developing the swimmer’s technical ability and conditioning.
- This can often help to build a swimmer’s confidence and belief that they will also deliver their best during competition.
17: Ask your coach for feedback?
The primary role of a swimming coach is to impart their knowledge and experience, to help the swimmers in their charge to reach their full potential.
- Swimmers should develop a great rapport and understanding with their coach, which will help drive them both to higher levels of performance.
Related article on swimming coach 20 things to make them happy
We have produced a related article on Swimming Coach 20 things to make them happy. You can view it by clicking this link: Swimming Coach 20 things to make them happy
18: Evaluate your swim training performance?
Now you have some ideas on the types of areas you need to include in your swim training self-evaluation, you should go ahead and produce a swim training self-evaluation sheet for your swimming logbook
Related article on how a swimming log can make you a better swimmer
We have produced a related article on how a swimming log can make you a better swimmer. You can view it by clicking this link: how a swimming log can make you a better swimmer
Related publication: My Swimming Logbook
We have published a related publication: My Swimming Logbook is a set of tried and tested customised swimming logbook templates that enables you to customise your swimming logbook.
- For further details and ordering information please use the following link: My Swimming Logbook
How well a swimmer performs in training has a direct correlation to how a swimmer performs in competition.
- Many swimmers spend many hours of hard training in pursuit of their swimming goals, but how many of them know whether they are on track to achieve them?
- Regularly self-evaluating training performances over a period of time can give the swimmer an insight into whether they are on track.
Swimming Resource Library
We have produced a swimming resource library.
- This contains links to all of our blog posts.
- These are subdivided by swimming category.
These categories include Swimmer Development | Swimmers Health | Swimming Coaching | Swimming Competition | Swimming Drills | Swimming Dryland/Land Training | Swimming Equipment | Swimming Psychology | Swimming Training. To access any article simply click on the attached page link: Swimming resource library
Swimming Publications
We produce a growing range of publications on a wide range of swimming subjects.
- These include competitive swimming drill publications for backstroke, breaststroke, butterfly and freestyle.
- Which are now available in both Amazon Kindle and paperback formats.
- For information regarding our portfolio please follow our link: Swimming Publications.
The Competitive Swimming Exchange – Facebook Group
The Competitive Swimming Exchange is a Facebook group to help exchange ideas and information to collectively improve the sport we love.
- It’s an international group for all swimmers, coaches, teachers, masters, triathletes and swimming parents.
- It’s for all those who are interested in competitive swimming, either in the pool or in open water.
For more information about joining this group please use the following link: The Competitive Swimming Exchange