Last Updated on November 26, 2022 by admin

In this article, we will provide advice, hacks and tips on how to improve self-motivation for swimmers.
What is self-motivation?
Self-motivation for swimmers is often defined as,
- A swimmer’s internal drive and determination to continue to develop, in pursuit of their swimming goals, to help them become the best swimmer they can be.
Why is self-motivation for swimmers so important?
Most swimmers tend to be highly motivated when things in the water and life in general, are going well.
- The real benefit of self-motivation comes when things in the water and life in general, become tough. For example,
- Illness or injury.
- Fatigue
- Stress
- A run of poor performances
- Non-swimming distractions, such as school/work and social events.
The signs of low self-motivation
Signs of low self-motivation can include,
- Not wanting to train or compete as often as usual.
- Not always giving your best during training and competition.
- Cutting corners during training.
- A negative attitude during training and competition.
Self-motivation for swimmers tips

Fortunately, self-motivation is something that we all have direct control over.
- So, what do top swimmers do when the going gets tough?
- Well in the words of an old song, ‘when the going gets tough, the tough get going’
- Listed below are some of our favourite tips which you can adopt to improve your self-motivation.
Inspirational quotes
Many top swimmers turn to motivational quotes, slogans and mantras for some extra self-motivation.

For example, “Everyone can train hard when they are feeling good. But it’s the days when you’re feeling bad that you have to step up. That’s when champions step up. They pull through.”
Chad le Clos (South Africa) Freestyle, Butterfly & Individual Medley, Olympic, World & Commonwealth Champion
Some swimmers have such motivational quotes, displayed where they can view them regularly.
Related article on motivational swimming quotes
We have compiled a list of our favourite motivational swimming quotes from some of the world’s top swimmers past and present. You can view it by clicking this link: motivational swimming quotes
Set realistic goals
Many competitive swimmers set goals, which should be a motivational process.
- Although swimming goals are meant to be challenging, some swimmers set unrealistic goals, which can become demotivating.
- For example, aiming to achieve a championship qualifying time, when their training has been disrupted by an injury.
- Swimming goals should not be set in stone.
- They should be regularly reviewed and if necessary adapted to keep them realistic but challenging.
- Sometimes the main swimming goal can be broken down into mini-goals, which can help make the main goal seem less daunting.
Related articles on setting swimming goals and mini-goals
We have produced related articles on setting swimming goals and mini-goals. You can view it by clicking these links: the benefits of setting swimming goals | setting mini-goals.
A positive mindset
A positive mindset is a psychological attribute that enables swimmers to face situations in our sport with a positive attitude, which can help to improve their self-motivation.
- Developing a positive mindset helps a swimmer to improve their performance and increase their control over their attitude, enabling them to be more positive, focused and optimistic.
Related article on developing a positive swimming mindset
We have produced a related article on developing a positive swimming mindset. You can view it by clicking this link: developing a positive swimming mindset.

Self-talk is a psychological self-motivational technique used by many of the world’s top swimmers.
- They use it to help them cope in tough and pressurised situations.
- It can help to build their self-confidence, by replacing any negative thoughts with positive ones.
- This enables them to focus on their performance, in a more controlled and determined manner.
How does swimming self-talk work?
A swimming coach spends a lot of their time encouraging the swimmers in their charge to ever-increasing levels of performance.
- Self-talk works by a swimmer adopting some self-motivating or inspirational slogans or mantras, to self-coach themselves during certain swimming situations.
- For example, to increase a swimmer’s confidence, motivation or to help them learn a new skill or drill.
- Self-talk can also be used to overcome anxiety during competition.
Related article on swimming self-talk
We have produced a related article on swimming self-talk. You can view it by clicking this link: swimming self-talk.
Just do it
Many swimmers find that just going to training and getting into the water is the hardest part of self-motivation.
- Some find just going to the pool, talking to a teammate and beginning their warm-up routine, is enough to start them feeling better about themselves.
- However, many find that when they start swimming it is often one of the best ways of boosting their self-motivation.
- It’s very common for competitive swimmers to feel highly motivated after a good training session.
Related article on developing good swimming habits
We have produced a related article on developing good swimming habits. You can view it by clicking this link: developing good swimming habits.
Talk to supportive and positive people

Many swimmers who start to lose their self-motivation, find one of the best solutions is to talk to positive people.
- Especially those who care about them and can offer advice and support. For example,
- Their coach
- A teammate
- A parent or guardian
Many swimmers also find that helping other people can be a great form of self-motivation.
Mindfulness is a meditation technique that can be used to help swimmers increase their awareness by helping them to pay attention to the present moment.
It can help to enable the swimmer to focus on controlling their mind so that they can better perform with their body.
- As both mindfulness and swimming focus on breathing and the body, many find that both disciplines tend to complement one another.
- Many swimmers find that mindfulness can help to improve their swimming and swimming can help to improve their mindfulness.
Mindfulness can provide the swimmer with many benefits, these include,
- Helping them to stay calm and relaxed.
- Reducing their stress and anxiety levels.
- Developing and improving their focus and concentration.
- Helping them to enhance their performance.
Related article on mindfulness for swimmers
We have produced a related article on mindfulness for swimmers. You can view it by clicking this link: mindfulness for swimmers.
Improving your self-motivation may take time
Improving your self-motivation will almost certainly take time.
- Like all main swimming goals, developing your self-motivation may need to be broken down into mini-goals.
- However, improving self-motivation is a valuable life skill that is well worth continuing to develop.
Self-motivation for swimmers is often defined as,
- A swimmer’s internal drive and determination to continue to develop, to help them achieve their goals, to help them become the best swimmer they can be.
Most swimmers tend to be highly motivated when things in the water and life, in general, are going well.
- The real benefit of self-motivation comes when things in the water and life in general, become tough. For example,
- Illness or injury.
- Fatigue
- Stress
- A run of poor performances
- Non-swimming distractions, such as sleepovers and social events.
Signs of low self-motivation can include,
- Not wanting to train or compete as often as usual.
- Not always giving your best during training and competition.
- Cutting corners during training.
- A negative attitude during training and competition.
Fortunately, self-motivation is something over which we all have direct control.
- So, what do top swimmers do when the going gets tough?
- Well in the words of an old song, ‘when the going gets tough, the tough get going’
- Listed above are some of our favourite tips which you can adopt to improve your self-motivation.
Swimming resource library
We have provided a swimming resource library.
- This contains links to all of our publications and blog articles.
- Now with an easy-to-use index.
- To access any article simply click on the attached page link: swimming resource library
Recommended swimming equipment
We have provided a recommended swimming equipment page.
- It contains the swimming equipment that we and our swimmers use and recommend.
- You can access this page by clicking on the following link: recommended swimming equipment.
The Competitive Swimming Exchange – Facebook Group
We are members of the Competitive Swimming Exchange. This is a competitive swimming Facebook group to help exchange ideas and information to collectively improve the sport we love.
- It’s an international group for all swimmers, coaches, teachers, masters, triathletes and swimming parents. In fact, it’s for all those who are interested in competitive swimming, either in the pool or in open water
For more information about joining this group please use the following link: The Competitive Swimming Exchange