Last Updated on January 5, 2024 by admin

In this article, we will provide advice, hacks and tips on techniques for developing mental toughness for swimmers.
Many of the world’s top swimmers regularly practice a range of psychological techniques, to help them develop their mental toughness.
- This can help to give them a range of competitive advantages.
- This includes being able to maintain focus, improving their motivation, reducing their stress levels and increasing their self-belief.
- Listed below are some of the techniques used to help develop mental toughness for swimmers.
Developing a Positive Swimming Mindset

Having a positive mindset is a key mental toughness attribute that enables swimmers to face situations in our sport with a positive attitude.
Developing a positive mindset can help a swimmer improve their performance and increase their control over their attitude. This could enable them to be more positive, focused and optimistic.
Related article on developing a positive swimming mindset
We have produced a related article on improving a swimmer’s focus. You can view it by clicking this link: developing a positive swimming mindset.
How Swimming Visualisation Can Make You Faster

Swimming visualisation is mental imagery, mental rehearsal and meditation techniques. These are often used by most of the world’s top swimmers, to help condition their minds to help them become faster.
Research has shown that the human brain cannot tell the difference between imagined or real experiences.
- So, just as repetitive swimming drills enable the swimmer to adopt technical stroke training into their ‘muscle memory’.
- Enabling them to automatically perform as taught when required in competition.
- Using repetitive swimming visualisation techniques enables the swimmer to adopt these techniques to their ‘brain patterns’.
- Enabling them to automatically perform as visualised when required in competition.
- Performing either drills or swimming visualization are effective techniques in themselves.
- However, they are even more effective when swimmers consistently use both techniques.
Related article on how swimming visualisation can make you faster
We have produced a related article on how swimming visualisation can make you faster. You can view it by clicking this link: how swimming visualisation can make you faster
How to best use: Swimming Quotes

Sometimes swimmers go through difficult times during training and competition.
- Where some may lose focus and self-belief.
- When this starts to happen, many top swimmers turn to motivational quotes, slogans and mantras for some extra inspiration.
Related article on how to best use swimming quotes
We have produced a related article on how to best use swimming quotes. You can view it by clicking this link: how to best use swimming quotes.
How to Best Use: Swimming Self-Talk

If you have ever witnessed a swimmer talking to themselves.
- Either before the start of a race, during a tough training set or while learning a new drill.
- The chances are they are performing swimming self-talk.
Swimming self-talk is a psychological self-motivational technique used by many of the world’s top swimmers.
- They use it to help them cope in tough and pressurised situations.
- Swimming self-talk helps to build their confidence, by replacing any negative thoughts with positive ones.
- This enables them to focus on their performance, in a more controlled and determined manner.
Related article on how to best use swimming self-talk
We have produced a related article on how to best use swimming self-talk. You can view it by clicking this link: how to best use swimming self-talk.
How to Deal with Swimming Setbacks

It’s a fact of life for swimmers at all levels, that there are times when things don’t go how they had planned.
- The moments after a disappointing swim can leave a swimmer feeling annoyed, frustrated and upset.
- What can make a huge difference to a competitive swimmer’s long-term success is how they deal with any swimming setbacks.
Many of the world’s top swimmers use swimming setbacks as extra motivation.
- They use it as a further opportunity to review their preparation, training and competitive performance.
- This can enable them to come back even better and stronger.
Related article on how to deal with swimming setbacks
We have produced a related article on how to deal with swimming setbacks. You can view it by clicking this link: how to deal with swimming setbacks.
Improving A Swimmer’s Focus

Whether it’s focusing on skills and drills during training, or race tactics and execution during competition.
- The ability to focus is key to optimum swimming performance.
- Like many key swimming skills, to become proficient, a swimmer needs to practice improving their focusing skills.
- These should be conducted consistently and persistently.
Related article on improving a swimmer’s focus
We have produced a related article on improving a swimmer’s focus. You can view it by clicking this link: improving a swimmer’s focus.
Swimming Mantras: Improving Performance

Competitive swimming is often as much about the psychological (mental) as it is about the physical.
- A swimming mantra is either a short saying, a word or a slogan.
- Many top swimmers adopt several mantras to help them during different situations.
- They can help provide them with a range of psychological benefits.
Related article on swimming mantras improving performance
We have produced a related article on swimming mantras improving performance. You can view it by clicking this link: swimming mantras improving performance
Swimming: Dryland Relaxation Techniques
The ability to be able to relax is of great benefit to any swimmer wishing to train and compete at their optimum level.
- Dryland relaxation techniques can help swimmers reduce any self-doubts, worries or physical anxieties while increasing their concentration and performance.
- They can also be used to aid a good night’s sleep and to help a swimmer to rest and recover from the rigors of training or competition.
Related article on swimming: dryland relaxation techniques
We have produced a related article on swimming dryland relaxation techniques. You can view it by clicking this link: swimming dryland relaxation techniques.
Many of the world’s top swimmers regularly practice a range of psychological techniques, to help them develop their mental toughness.
- This can help to give them a range of competitive advantages.
- This includes being able to maintain focus, improving their motivation, reducing their stress levels and increasing their self-belief.
- Listed above are some of the techniques used to help develop mental toughness for swimmers.
Swimming Publications
We produce a growing range of publications on a wide range of swimming subjects.
- These include competitive swimming drill publications for backstroke, breaststroke, butterfly and freestyle.
- Which are now available in both Amazon Kindle and paperback formats.
- For information regarding our portfolio please follow our link: Swimming publications.
Swimming resource library
We have produced a swimming resource library.
- This contains links to our ever-expanding portfolio of blog posts.
- These are subdivided by swimming category
- To access any article simply click on the attached page link: swimming resource library
The Competitive Swimming Exchange – Facebook Group
The Competitive Swimming Exchange. Is a Facebook group to help exchange ideas and information to collectively improve the sport we love.
- It’s an international group for all swimmers, coaches, teachers, masters, triathletes and swimming parents.
- It’s for all those who are interested in competitive swimming, either in the pool or in open water.
For more information about joining this group please use the following link: The Competitive Swimming Exchange