Last Updated on November 8, 2022 by admin

In this article, we’ll provide advice, hacks and tips on the benefits of evaluating swimming training performance and why swimmers should do it.
Evaluating swimming training performance: Why do it?
How well a swimmer performs in training has a direct correlation to how a swimmer performs in competition.
- Many swimmers spend many hours of hard training in pursuit of their swimming goals, but how many of them know whether they are on track to achieve them?
- Swimmers are only human. Sometimes they have good training days and sometimes they have poor training days, but why?
Regularly evaluating training performances over a period of time can give the swimmer and/or the coach an insight into certain training patterns, such as,
- How many good training days does the swimmer have?
- Is there a reoccurring reason for them having a bad training day?
- Is the swimmer getting enough sleep?
- Are they drinking enough?

Evaluating swimming training performance: the benefits
There are many benefits to be derived by regularly evaluating a swimmer’s training performance, amongst them, are:
Providing focus
It helps to provide the swimmer with clear areas of their training that need improving, enabling them to improve their performance.
When reviewing the progress they have achieved and the amount of hard work they have put in can help to build a swimmer’s self-confidence and can be hugely motivational.
Helping the coach to help the swimmer
It can help the coach to be better informed on how the swimmer is responding to their training and competitive programmes and how they are progressing towards their swimming goals.
- This will enable them to make any necessary adjustments.
Making the swimmer more responsible and accountable
It can also help to make the swimmer more responsible;e and accountable for their training.
- Encouraging swimmers to have second thoughts about not training at the correct intensity and discourages them from taking any shortcuts.

Evaluating Swimming Training Performance: How to do it
There are many different ways of evaluating a swimmer’s training performance.
- However, there are some important things to consider when starting to evaluate a training performance, such as
The level of detail
- Some swimmers may wish to record each training session in fine detail and in some cases, swimmers may prefer to make only rough notes.
- In some cases, the coach may provide the swimmer with a standardised training evaluation sheet.
- I have attached an example of the type of training evaluation sheet we use below.
[pdf-embedder url=”” title=”Training Evaluation Monitor”]
Set Swimming Goals
A key part of the training evaluation process is for the swimmer to set swimming goals.
- They are a very important part of the evaluation process, enabling both the swimmer and the coach to gauge the swimmer’s progress.
- Swimmers should ensure they set themselves realistic swimming goals.
- They should ideally make their swimming goals challenging enough to feel a sense of real achievement when they have been completed.
- But not too challenging so they are very difficult or extremely unlikely to be achieved.
Related article on setting swimming goals
We have produced a related article on the benefits of setting swimming goals. You can view it by clicking this link: swimming goals
Evaluate regularly
An important part of the training evaluation process is that it should be recorded and regularly reviewed.
- Ideally once a week by the swimmer and once a month by the coach.
- Only by regularly reviewing the swimmer’s training performance can it be monitored effectively to ensure that they are on track to achieve their swimming goals.

Evaluating Swimming Training Performance: What to record
Swimming goals
Swimmers should ensure that their training performance evaluation sheet monitors their swimming goals.
- For example: If a swimmer has a swimming goal of improving their freestyle turns, this should be a key part of the swimmer’s training performance evaluation.
Key training criteria
A swimmer’s training evaluation sheet should contain certain key training criteria such as starts, turns, finishes, stroke technique, breathing technique, stroke length, stroke count and training intensity.
- It’s important to remember that swimmers should make their training evaluation sheets flexible, so they can be adapted to meet their current swimming goals.
Test sets
Some swimmers also record and evaluate specific swimming test sets such as step tests, timed swims, etc.
Related article on swimming test sets
We have produced a related article on swimming test sets. You can view it by clicking this link: swimming test sets
Invisible training
A key part of determining a swimmer’s training performance is the quality of their invisible training.
- Invisible swimming training is a series of disciplines to help ensure that swimmers receive the correct levels of nutrition and hydration, in combination with rest, recovery, relaxation and sleep.
- Therefore, this should be an important part of any training evaluation sheet.
Related article on invisible training
We have produced a related article on how the correct invisible training can improve a swimmer’s performance. You can view it by clicking this link: invisible training
The overall training session score
Including an overall training session score in their training evaluation sheet, provides the swimmer with an easy means to generally evaluate their training performances over a period of time.
An average training score
Including an average training score in their training evaluation sheet, provides the swimmer with an incentive to perform above their average in the coming training session.
- It also provides them with an instant analysis of how their training session went when compared with past training sessions.
An evaluation commentary
Swimmers should also include a short evaluation commentary, explaining briefly what went well during the training session and what needs to be worked on and improved.

Swimming log
Many swimmers use their swimming logs to safely store and easily retrieve their important swimming documentation, including their training evaluation sheets.
Related article on the benefits of keeping a swimming log
We have produced a related article on the benefits of keeping a swimming log. You can view it by clicking this link: swimming log
Try it for a week or two and see
As with most things worthwhile in our sport, becoming proficient in evaluating training performance takes a little bit of time and effort.
- However, the benefits can be extremely worthwhile. I strongly urge you to try it for a week or two (ideally longer) and see.
How well a swimmer performs in training has a direct correlation to how a swimmer performs in competition.
- Many swimmers spend many hours of hard training in pursuit of their swimming goals, but how many of them know whether they are on track to achieve them?
- Swimmers are only human. Sometimes they have good training days, and sometimes they have poor training days, but why?
Regularly evaluating training performances over a period of time can give the swimmer and/or the coach an insight into certain training patterns, such as,
- How many good training days do they have?
- Is there a reoccurring reason for having a bad training day?
Related article on the rate of perceived exertion for swimmers
We have produced a related article on the rate of perceived exertion for swimmers. You can view it by clicking this link: the rate of perceived exertion for swimmers.
Related article on swim training self-evaluation checklist
In this article, we’ve provided a series of questions for inclusion in a swim training self-evaluation checklist. For those who want to improve their swim training performance. You can view it by clicking this link: swim training self-evaluation checklist
Related article on negative split training: an introduction
We have produced a related article on negative split training: an introduction. You can view it by clicking this link: negative split training: an introduction
Swimming resource library
We have produced a swimming resource library.
- This contains links to all of our blog posts.
- These are subdivided by swimming category.
Categories include Swimmer Development | Swimmers Health | Swimming Coaching | Swimming Competition | Swimming Drills | Swimming Dryland/Land Training | Swimming Equipment | Swimming Psychology | Swimming Training. To access any article simply click on the attached page link: Swimming resource library
Swimming Publications
We produce a growing range of publications on a wide range of swimming subjects.
- These include competitive swimming drill publications for backstroke, breaststroke, butterfly and freestyle.
- Which are now available in both Amazon Kindle and paperback formats.
- For information regarding our portfolio please follow our link: Swimming publications.
The Competitive Swimming Exchange – Facebook Group
The Competitive Swimming Exchange is a Facebook group to help exchange ideas and information to collectively improve the sport we love.
- It’s an international group for all swimmers, coaches, teachers, masters, triathletes and swimming parents.
- It’s for all those who are interested in competitive swimming, either in the pool or in open water.
For more information about joining this group please use the following link: The Competitive Swimming Exchange